National Wine Production
According to provisional data from the IVV, wine production in the 2021/22 campaign reached 7.3 million hectoliters, an increase of 14% compared to the previous campaign.
Of the 14 regions, only Madeira (-3.39%) and Azores (-28.15%) registered drops in production. It is worth noting the increase in volume recorded in the Douro regions, above 340 thousand hl (27.02%) and in the Alentejo, above 120 thousand hl (11.21%), compared to 2020/2021.
In the period from 2017/18 to 2021/22 shows that 4 regions, Minho, Dão, Madeira and Beira Atlântico, registered an average decrease in production. The region of Beira Interior is the one with the highest average growth in this period (+8.20%), followed by Alentejo (+7.79%).
World Wine Production
According to the OIV in 2023, world wine production decreased a lot, being the smallest since 1980.
Although the data are not definitive, world wine production is expected to reach 237 mhl.
The chart below illustrates the behavior of world production since 2000, highlighted by the high volumes for 2004, 2009, 2013 and 2018, and the negative in 2017 and 2023.